City of Scandia, MN

Lions and Tacos and Dalas, Oh My! - Story Contest

WHO:             Scandia kids who are finishing the 1st—3rd grades

WHAT:           Put your creative hat on and take us on a wild short story with “Lions and Tacos and Dalas, Oh My!” 

WHERE:         Stories from your imagination!

WHEN:          Send Stories by May 31st – Prizes awarded in September after Taco Daze

WHY:              WIN CASH - The top story winner will be awarded $50 cash plus $200 for their classroom! 

HOW:             Drop Off stories that are typed or written on one regular 8 ½ “x 11” letter page plus the coloring page (or your own drawing!) at either the Scandia Elementary School Office, Scandia City Hall, or  Make sure to include your name on each page, and your parent’s contact information on a separate page!

Sponsored by the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee,
for all questions, contact City Staff at
(651) 433-2274 or

 Download Lions and Tacos and Dalas, Oh My! flyer and instructions 

Lions and Tacos and Dalas Oh My Photo

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